

Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade

At The Weiss School, our specifically designed primary program consists of gifted students enrolled in Kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade. The primary program addresses the natural curiosity of young children and their desire to know why and how things work. The nurturing learning environment at The Weiss School encourages young learners to explore and engage in creative problem-solving situations. Students are provided with opportunities that engage their curiosity and imagination through the use of project-based learning that enables students to approach learning and exploration through the eyes of authors, historians, mathematicians, and scientists.
This setting facilitates student acquisition of exemplary academic learning opportunities in addition to the acquisition of social development values such as personal responsibility, concern for others, and the commitment to function as beneficial members of society. The primary program utilizes and integrates multimedia technology within classrooms to foster cooperative learning and the development and implementation of higher-level thinking skills.


The Weiss School Kindergarten curriculum concentrates on the essential academic concepts of literacy, math, science, and social studies for gifted students. The curriculum and instructional approaches are strategically implemented to meet the individual needs of each student. The curriculum incorporates a thematic approach by implementing real world applications to foster the development of higher level thinking skills.

Kindergarten Curriculum

List of 4 items.

  • Math

    Math instruction helps children: 

    • Understand and practice math objectives in hands-on instructional activities 
    • Construct picture and bar graphs that link across all academic subjects
    • Master basic concepts in addition and subtraction, money, measurement, time, and geometry
    • Demonstrate math knowledge in higher-level math activities and multi-level technological math programs
  • Reading & Writing

    Reading and Writing instruction helps children:

    • Develop oral language and phonological awareness skills through whole and small group activities
    • Foster a lifelong desire to read among each student 
    • Develop inventive spelling skills with high frequency words through the incorporation of a writing program 
    • Express their thoughts in regular journal entries
  • Science

    Science instruction helps children:

    • Develop creativity, curiosity, and critical thinking skills
    • Utilize science concepts in other academic areas
    • Enhance problem solving and practical skill development through science activies and experiments
  • Social Studies

    Social Studies instruction helps children:

    • Explore their family relationships and community responsibilities and relationships
    • Explore community elements including neighborhoods, community services, families, and community events
    • Facilitate the outward expansion of self to community and realize their significance to society
    • Learn and explore important holidays and cultural traditions from around the world

First Grade

The Weiss School 1st grade curriculum concentrates on the essential academic concepts of literacy, math, science, and social studies for gifted students. The curriculum and instructional approaches are strategically implemented to meet the individual needs of each student. The curriculum incorporates a thematic approach by implementing real world applications to foster the development of higher level thinking skills.

First Grade Curriculum

List of 4 items.

  • Math

    Math instruction helps children:

    • Learn math skills through hands-on math activities such as the 100th day of school celebration
    • Learn by doing according to individual student learning styles
    • Understand base-ten numeration system and place-value concepts
    • Develop the ability to quickly recall addition and subtraction facts
    • Develop fluency skills with multi-digit addition and subtraction
    • Develop the understanding of linear measurement and facility in measuring lengths
  • Reading & Writing

    Key Ideas and Details
    A) Ask and answer questions about key details in a text
    B) Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson
    C) Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details
    Craft and Structure
    A) Identify words and phrases in stories and poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses
    B) Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reding of a range of text types
    C) Identify who is telling the story at various points in a text
    D) Read with proficient fluency, accuracy and with more than just a surface understanding
    Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
    A) Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events
    B) Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.
    C) Compare and contrast different versions of the same story.
    Informational Text
    Key Ideas and Details
    A) Ask and answer questions about key details in a text
    B) Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text in proper order
    C) Describe the connection between two individuals, even, or pieces of information in a text
    Craft and Structure
    A) Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words or phrases in a text
    B) Know and use various text features (headings, glossaries, captions, table of contents, bold and italic print, table of contents, photos and diagrams, labels, close -ups, comparisons, index)
    C) Distinguish between information provided by pictures and information provided by the words in a text
    D) Use illustrations and details in a text to describe its key details
    E) Identify the author’s purpose: (Inform, entertain, persuade)
    Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
    A) Explain similarities in and differences between two or more texts on the same topic.
    Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
    A) By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts including non-fiction animal books, biographies, history/social studies/science topics

    Speaking and Listening
    Comprehension and Collaboration
    A) Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners. Follow agreed upon rules, collaborate, respect the opinions of others, give appropriate feedback
    B) Recount details from a text read aloud or information presented orally
    C) Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to clarify comprehension, gather additional information, or deepen understanding of a topic
    Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
    A) Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly, in coherent sentences and using proper posture and eye contact
    B) Create videos, add diagrams or drawings, or other visual displays to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings

    *Following the steps of the Writing Process:
     (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing)
    Genres of Writing in 1st Grade
    *Personal Narratives
    *How-To Instructional Writing
    *Opinion Writing
    *Expository Writing
    *Realistic Fiction
    *Friendly letter writing
    *Journal Writing
    *Poetry Writing
    *Writer’s Workshop lessons and teaching points
    *Generating and expanding on writing ideas
    *Getting thoughts onto paper (plan and organize)
    *Use a variety of graphic organizers to plan
    *Telling stories in chronological order: (beginning, middle, and end)
    *Writing “from the heart” (personal experiences)
    *Conventions of writing/Sentence structure
    *Directionality and spacing
    *Use of capital letters in writing
    *Writing in complete sentences
    *Writing in  past, present and future tense
    *Writing with proper subject/verb, noun/pronoun agreement
    *Writing from different points of view
    *Writing about reading
    *Adding an Author Page
    *Adding an introduction
    *Going back to add details to writing pieces
    *Using quotation marks around speaker’s exact words)
    *Showing character’s feelings
    *Communicating main points clearly to reader
    *Showing instead of telling (through language)
    *Using descriptive language
    *Using alternative words (said, exclaimed, cried, proclaimed, etc.)
    *Including what the character feels, thinks, and  says
    *Writing responses
    *Presenting writing pieces to an audience
    *Participate in shared research and writing topics to produce a report or project
  • Science

    Science instruction helps children:

    • Learn about the environment and our relationship to it
    • Learn the foundation of numerous scientific experiences
    • Develop a positive attitude towards science and the use of science concepts across all academic subject areas 
    • Use technology and research skills as necessary tools for scientific reasoning and discovery
  • Social Studies

    Social Studies instruction helps students:

    • Extend their critical thinking and problem-solving skills in addition to developing empathy, acceptance, and respect for their community, other cultures, and the world around them
    • Discover historical knowledge, chronological thinking, foundations of government, rules and laws, basic structure of our government, economics, and map and globe skills
    • How to express their own realistic and imaginative project-based ideas through multiple avenues

Second Grade

The Weiss School 2nd grade curriculum concentrates on the essential academic concepts of literacy, math, science, and social studies for gifted students. The curriculum and instructional approaches are strategically implemented to meet the individual needs of each student. The curriculum incorporates a thematic approach by implementing real world applications to foster the development of higher-level thinking skills.

Second Grade Curriculum

List of 4 items.

  • Math

    Math instruction helps children:

    • Develop real-world math skills through the use of manipulatives and hands-on learning activities
    • Learn the math concepts of place value to the hundred thousands, addition and subtraction with regrouping and borrowing, multiplication, division, patterns and relationships, geometry, fractions, decimals, money and measurement
    • Explore a real word approach to math with rich, challenging content that is embedded in the curriculum with practical approaches
    • Focus on higher order thinking and problem-solving strategies
  • Reading & Writing

    Reading and Writing instruction helps children:

    • Learn basic grammar skills including parts of speech and their relationships to one another
    • Develop confidence using English in both written and spoken word
    • Learn different styles of writing including expository, research-based, narrative, debate, informative, and persuasive writing
    • Progress from single sentence writing to formulating paragraph summaries within the full writing process that include the use of brainstorming, drafting, editing, revising, and publishing skills.
    • Apply writing crafts including author’s voice, proper writing conventions, descriptive writing, including vivid verbs and adjectives, and word choice
    • Learn the various reading genres including classic literature, poetry, tall tales, fairy tales, and more
    • Master story elements including characters, setting, plot, introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, conflict, and resolution
    • Become proficient in reading comprehension strategies including making connections (self-self, text-text, text-world), inferencing, summarizing, and questioning
    • Understand the four types of author’s purpose including pursuade, inform, entertain, and describe
  • Science

    Science instruction helps children:

    • Develop research skills on how to explore various science topics
    • Engage in inquiry-based science investigations that provoke higher order thinking and encourage cooperative activities
    • Utilize the scientific method while investigating water, matter, and structures of life
    • Learn the full scientific method, research procedures, lab and safety procedures, and how to construct a lab report
    • Perform a number of hands-on experiments and explorations on a broad range of science topics
  • Social Studies

    Social Studies instruction helps children:

    • Explore various locations throughout the world including communities, states regions, and nations via virtual learning opportunities 
    • Learn about mapping, geography, landforms, region and state studies, U.S. presidents, and the U.S. branches of government
    • Complete hands-on interdisciplinary projects including globe pumpkins, 3-D maps, 3-D landform maps, state fair presentations, and presidential speeches

Primary Elective Courses

In a specifically designed and balanced curriculum, The Weiss School supplements core academic subject learning with a variety of elective courses that provide students with a comprehensive educational experience ideal for gifted students. Students receive instruction in the following elective classes each week (1-2 times per week based on grade level): 

  • Art 
  • Foreign Language - Spanish 
  • Media 
  • Music 
  • Physical Education 
  • Public Speaking 
  • Taekwondo 
  • Technology/Robotics 
    • Students learn the rules in 1st grade

    • Fun in Math class with Mrs. Magnetico

    • Painting in Art class

    • To help celebrate Saint Patrick's Day, Kindergarten students worked with their family to make Leprechaun Traps

The Weiss School is a co-ed private school that serves gifted students in PreK-3 through 8th grade in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. A Weiss School education prepares students to think analytically and creatively, act socially responsible, live vigorously, and create imaginatively in a warm and supportive educational environment.